This package is perfect for any and all women. The first time mother who is unsure how, what type of birth she wants to have. The seasoned mom with 3 children already and values the added support. The VBAC+ mom or planned C-Section mom wanting a doula as well. If you’re a woman who plans on having that baby any kind of way looking for added support this doula gotcha covered!


Prior to delivery consultation

  • 1 st Consultation we will meet and discuss your birth desire, prior birth experience if any, draw a birthing plan, discuss any concerns or questions you may have. Get to know each other to make sure I am the fit that you would like. I value my clients to feel comfortable in wanting to allow me to support such a beautiful yet intimate moment.

  • 2nd Consultation I will provide your tentative birthing plan if we discussed one, we will practice some comfort movements that you or your partner can do. Get updates on pregnancy thus far.

  • We can always continue to meet more time if desired! There is much more that we will and can discuss such as dietary needs for both you and baby. Ways to prepare yourself, your home and family for the babies arrival. As well a breastfeeding support and preparation beforehand and afterwards.

  • Birth Plan preparation

  • Birth Affirmation preparation

  • Available to call/text from 21 weeks onward

  • 24/7 on call/text from 38 weeks of gestation until baby is due


During Labor & Delivery

  • Continuous support throughout the whole duration of your labor. When you feel it is my time to come whether just to monitor, assist, or be active I will be there.

  • Make sure to friendly remind or help advocate for your desire birthing experience. As well as assist explaining and keeping up to date on any medical changes, procedures, that may occur. 

  • Hands on comfort measures when desired. Supporting family members by coaching on how they too can engage and support you during labor.


Post Labor Consultation

  • At least 1 in person postpartum consultation when ever you’re ready.Within the 1st week postpartum: we will establish your desire time for me to check on you as you settle. Of course want to see the baby as well!

  • I will be available via phone/text for at least 6 weeks after your baby birth.

    • The reason for this is because there is research that shows that so much can occur to mommy both physically through mentally I want you to know that I am still available for you. This is a beautiful relationship that we establish and I do not take it lightly.


Birth doula package

Investment: $950 (Payment plans available)